

Workforce Initiatives

Cultivating the pathology and laboratory medicine workforce is one of the main patient-centered public policy priorities of ASCP.

The ASCP Institute for Science, Technology and Policy (ISTP) continues to support the field’s professional recognition, scope of practice and clinical empowerment through workforce studies and advocacy activities. 

As part of our workforce initiatives, ASCP has conducted biennial wage and vacancy surveys, job satisfaction and burnout surveys, a groundbreaking clinical laboratory workforce study that examined the challenges in meeting the current and future needs of the laboratory workforce, and a blueprint for action. ASCP has also created resources focused on developing a sustainable and resilient clinical laboratory workforce.

2022 Vacancy Survey Results Released

Results of the 2022 ASCP Vacancy Survey are available via open access in AJCP.

Support for CDC OneLab Initiative

The OneLab Initiative is a CDC-led effort to bridge, train, and sustain a capacity-building community (OneLab Network) among public health and clinical laboratory professionals to support rapid, large-scale responses to public health emergencies. ASCP, through a cooperative agreement with the CDC, is proud to bring awareness of the OneLab Network to its members and develop cutting-edge laboratory training resources in support of the OneLab Initiative for its members and the broader laboratory community. Visit the website.

Laboratory Workforce Steering Committee

ASCP's Laboratory Workforce Steering Committee focuses on promoting the laboratory profession through initiatives that will increase the availability of clinical laboratory workforce supply and strengthen the pathways into and among these careers long into the future.

2021 Wage Survey Results Released

The report highlights the impact of the pandemic on the salaries, staffing, and work-life balance of laboratory professionals. Learn more.